When you have finished
adding items. Click on the "Basket/Checkout" button in the main menu
OR the 'Go to Checkout' button at the side of each product. Then you will be
able to view your basket one last time to check all the products in your
basket are correct. Once you've confirmed your selections and checked your
basket, you proceed to the final ordering stage by clicking the 'Checkout'
Registration (which takes only 2 mins) is required to ensure you benefit from all the functions the Essential Oils Direct site has
to offer now and in the future. Your information will be saved
which means that you won't need to enter your details again if you
order from us in the future. In addition by registering you will also
benefit from many of our sites additional features and special
offers. You enter your personal information, your name and address,
telephone number etc so we know where to send the goods and so that we
may contact you in the event of any queries relating to your
Once all this
information is collected and you are happy that all is correct you will transferred
to the final page to make payment.